Hello people..... I know I've not been blogging 4 a really really really long time..... So i shall continue.
Well! For this holiday for me , I had to go back to sch for 2 media leesons and project work with my group for SS mindmap, shall start.
Went for music exam in the afternoon and then went to visit my dog in the Animal Hospital. He looked much better... :)
Did a bit of HW then watched Flight Plan with my mom DVD/VCD then rested for a while and helped my mom do some stuff then continued second half of Flight Plan. Dam nice lah the show got alot of suspense. Hehe
Went to school for media lesson then went to pick up my dog from Animal Hospital
Went to sch for project work then went out for luch and shopping with my mom, aunt, cousin and friend. Was super tired after that.
Went to sch for second media lesson then went to buy lunchthen went home and had lunchthen played with my dog then went to do HW.
Went for music lesson then went to CGSS For campfire then came home and ate dinner.
This is all that i have to blog will hopefully update soon. Peace everyone..... :)